Monday, June 25, 2007
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Chaos and order in teaching and research
Chaos and order in teaching and research
By Jan-Eric Mattsson & Håkan Lättman
Read: June 22 2007.
The full reference to this article is: Mattsson JE, Lättman H. 2004. Chaos and order in teaching and research. Acta Univ. Ups. Symb. Bot. Ups. 34(1), 245-255. This particular volume of the monographical series was dedicated to Prof. Leif Tibell on his 60th birthday.
The authors state in the abstract that in the article they present experiences from teaching evolution and a program for further course development, leading on to a discussion. Also, they present data from different lichen studies in order to stimulate the generative reflection of the reader. Finally, possible interpretations and ideas of forthcoming projects are presented.
I have read it. I understand most of it. I can not find any ideas for forthcoming projects, and I am mostly irritated by the language, it is much too complicated for me. This is the nth time I have read it. One idea from this article, I have used over the past few years in my teaching is the idea of chaos as a starting point for the studnet in order to be inspired, think, and create order to gain knowledge. I realise that I am writing this too complicated, but, who cares?!
By Jan-Eric Mattsson & Håkan Lättman
Read: June 22 2007.
The full reference to this article is: Mattsson JE, Lättman H. 2004. Chaos and order in teaching and research. Acta Univ. Ups. Symb. Bot. Ups. 34(1), 245-255. This particular volume of the monographical series was dedicated to Prof. Leif Tibell on his 60th birthday.
The authors state in the abstract that in the article they present experiences from teaching evolution and a program for further course development, leading on to a discussion. Also, they present data from different lichen studies in order to stimulate the generative reflection of the reader. Finally, possible interpretations and ideas of forthcoming projects are presented.
I have read it. I understand most of it. I can not find any ideas for forthcoming projects, and I am mostly irritated by the language, it is much too complicated for me. This is the nth time I have read it. One idea from this article, I have used over the past few years in my teaching is the idea of chaos as a starting point for the studnet in order to be inspired, think, and create order to gain knowledge. I realise that I am writing this too complicated, but, who cares?!
A man without a country
A man without a country
By Kurt Vonnegut (2005)
I am reading this book for the 2nd time. The first time a week or so after Vonnegut died. I went to the library, this book was among the displayed, and I borrowed it since I had never before read or even seen it.
Chapter 1: As a kid I was the youngest
Vonnegut was the youngest member of his family. He says that the youngest is always a jokemaker, because a joke is the only way to enter the conversation. He then discusses comedy and what is funny and what is not funny. He claims that occasional obscene words are the only shocks he uses. Some things are not funny, for example there is not one funny thing about Auschwitz. On the other hand, total catastrophes can be very amusing. For example the Lisbon earthquake, as showed by Voltaire (I have read this, maybe 15 years ago, and I cannot remember one detail!)
He then goes on to discuss that humor is almost a physiological response to fear. The text ends with a story from the bombing of Dresden. You will have to read it for yourself. It teaches me something about being a human being and having a sense of humor.
By Kurt Vonnegut (2005)
I am reading this book for the 2nd time. The first time a week or so after Vonnegut died. I went to the library, this book was among the displayed, and I borrowed it since I had never before read or even seen it.
Chapter 1: As a kid I was the youngest
Vonnegut was the youngest member of his family. He says that the youngest is always a jokemaker, because a joke is the only way to enter the conversation. He then discusses comedy and what is funny and what is not funny. He claims that occasional obscene words are the only shocks he uses. Some things are not funny, for example there is not one funny thing about Auschwitz. On the other hand, total catastrophes can be very amusing. For example the Lisbon earthquake, as showed by Voltaire (I have read this, maybe 15 years ago, and I cannot remember one detail!)
He then goes on to discuss that humor is almost a physiological response to fear. The text ends with a story from the bombing of Dresden. You will have to read it for yourself. It teaches me something about being a human being and having a sense of humor.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
No 2
The letter with the committee's ranking (see 13 June and 24 January) arrived today. I was ranked no 2...
This is my note from January:
"Among other things, I am writing an application to this position:
...another one in the chain of positions I won't get to inhabit..."
I feel happy for the person who is no 1, I really do.
But I also feel a bit disappointed, and tired right now.
This is my note from January:
"Among other things, I am writing an application to this position:
...another one in the chain of positions I won't get to inhabit..."
I feel happy for the person who is no 1, I really do.
But I also feel a bit disappointed, and tired right now.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Another 'kronikk'
This time, my former office mate wrote a 'kronikk' in Aftenposten. Way to go, girl!
DNA extraction
Today, I used Qiagen's TissueLyser for the first time. It was great, extracting DNA from 192 samples at a time (minus 4 "blind samples"). I do hope that the DNA is ok, but I think so. Lobaria pulmonaria is usually not difficult. Thanks to Heidi, who trained me today!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Bra, tack!
Yes, the interview was ok. Seven people were interviewing, incl the three from the comittee. But it felt safe. My presentation (15 min) went well, I think.
And I hear that all three candidates performed well.
Now, we just wait patiently.
And I hear that all three candidates performed well.
Now, we just wait patiently.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Too hot...
och jag måste gå och handla! Kom igen nu, ta på sandalerna och gå! Var är H? I Hardanger... Måste hitta på någon god middag. Och efterrätt. Och hitta energi. Har inte lust att göra någonting alls. Om bara 12 juni var över...
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Monday, June 04, 2007
I need a phix, 'cause I'm going down...
Submission to Fribio (Norwegian Research Council) - CHECK! (proposed project PHIX)
Submission to HavKyst (Norwegian Research Council) - tomorrow... (proposed project MARLICH)
...down to the bits that I left uptown...
Submission to HavKyst (Norwegian Research Council) - tomorrow... (proposed project MARLICH)
...down to the bits that I left uptown...
Friday, June 01, 2007
The Art of Problem Posing
The Art of Problem Posing
By Stephen I. Brown & Marion I. Walter
(3d. ed) Review
Läst den 31 maj 2007.
I början tyckte jag att det var svårt att hänga med. Jag blev dessutom lite rädd när jag såg att det skulle handla så mycket om matematik (senare lärde jag mig begreppet math anxiety).
Men mycket snart, redan när jag läste x2 + y2 = c2 på sidan 12, och funderade över ”What are some answers?”, och faktiskt förstod att Pythagoras var inblandad, började skräcken ge vika för nyfikenheten. Det blev så, att jag genom hela boken åtminstone försökte förstå problemen, och hitta lösningar / utföra uppgifterna författarna gav! Jag klarade ju naturligtvis inte av alla…
Jag lärde mig vad en isosceles triangel är. Den termen kan jag inte minnas att vi lärde oss i skolan (liksidig?). Jag kom ihåg vad Pythagoras sats innebär, och de avsnitt som handlar om den, tyckte jag var spännande. I kapitel 4 försökte jag jämföra olika metoder och känna efter vilken som jag gillade mest. Det hade varit kul att försöka sig på datorprogrammet som de skriver om.
Men det allra roligaste att läsa om Fibonacci-sekvenser och relaterade saker! Jag ska sätta mig ner med den delen av boken igjen, och leka med talen!
Kapitel 7 Student as author and critic var verkligen himla inspirerande! Jag fick lust att konstruera en ny kurs med en gång. Det ska jag inte göra, men om det visar sig vara möjligt, kommer jag att prova åtminstone en anpassad variant.
T.A.L.M.U.D.-varianten förstod jag inte helt.
Eftersom jag i stort sett sträckläste boken, tänker jag läsa en del passager igen. En del av texten kan vara intressant att läsa efter att idéerna har fått mogna i min skalle.
Mitt favoritcitat just nu hittas i på sidan 168 i kapitel 8 Conclusions: ”…not only provides an atmosphere of for encouraging problem generation, but fosters a spirit of adventure, intellectual excitement, and group unity as well.” och, allra viktigast:
”Problem generation has the potential to redefine in a radical way who it is that is in charge of one’s education.”
By Stephen I. Brown & Marion I. Walter
(3d. ed) Review
Läst den 31 maj 2007.
I början tyckte jag att det var svårt att hänga med. Jag blev dessutom lite rädd när jag såg att det skulle handla så mycket om matematik (senare lärde jag mig begreppet math anxiety).
Men mycket snart, redan när jag läste x2 + y2 = c2 på sidan 12, och funderade över ”What are some answers?”, och faktiskt förstod att Pythagoras var inblandad, började skräcken ge vika för nyfikenheten. Det blev så, att jag genom hela boken åtminstone försökte förstå problemen, och hitta lösningar / utföra uppgifterna författarna gav! Jag klarade ju naturligtvis inte av alla…
Jag lärde mig vad en isosceles triangel är. Den termen kan jag inte minnas att vi lärde oss i skolan (liksidig?). Jag kom ihåg vad Pythagoras sats innebär, och de avsnitt som handlar om den, tyckte jag var spännande. I kapitel 4 försökte jag jämföra olika metoder och känna efter vilken som jag gillade mest. Det hade varit kul att försöka sig på datorprogrammet som de skriver om.
Men det allra roligaste att läsa om Fibonacci-sekvenser och relaterade saker! Jag ska sätta mig ner med den delen av boken igjen, och leka med talen!
Kapitel 7 Student as author and critic var verkligen himla inspirerande! Jag fick lust att konstruera en ny kurs med en gång. Det ska jag inte göra, men om det visar sig vara möjligt, kommer jag att prova åtminstone en anpassad variant.
T.A.L.M.U.D.-varianten förstod jag inte helt.
Eftersom jag i stort sett sträckläste boken, tänker jag läsa en del passager igen. En del av texten kan vara intressant att läsa efter att idéerna har fått mogna i min skalle.
Mitt favoritcitat just nu hittas i på sidan 168 i kapitel 8 Conclusions: ”…not only provides an atmosphere of for encouraging problem generation, but fosters a spirit of adventure, intellectual excitement, and group unity as well.” och, allra viktigast:
”Problem generation has the potential to redefine in a radical way who it is that is in charge of one’s education.”
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