Thursday, May 31, 2007

A writing day at home

I am staying at home today. I want to write: One of the applications needs to be finished, and the article with JE needs something. And I need to rest...

These are my two applications for the NFR this year: 1) PHIX, 2) MARLICH.

These are my three publications in May: 1) Äntligen - ett skånskt nyfynd av fjällig vägglav! (Lavbulletinen), 2) New evidence corroborates population differentiation in Xanthoria parietina (Lichenologist), 3) Økologisk krise langs kysten (BT).

Sitting in the sofa with the door to the balkony open, I just heard the cuckoo (Cuculus canorus)!!!


Xanthoria said...

Three articles - in three different languages!

Martin said...

Har läst två av dom. Gillade artikeln om ekologisk kris längs kusten. Visst är det kul att skriva. Naturligtvis var bulle-artikeln himla trevlig också. Vilket blir nästa språk.

Xanthoria said...

Mamma gillade också kronikken!