Saturday, August 30, 2008


It's published!

i had almost forgot all problems with it, like this...

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Jo tack

Hur gick jobb-intervjun igår? Jo, tack, bra.

Hur går föreläsningen imorgon? Tja... Här är en bra biologi-länk iallafall!

Grattis i efterskott, pappa!

Ser inte fram mot: Lab-möte kl 9.00 på HIB.

Ser fram mot: Writing seminar kl 12.15.

Är glad: för att jag tog 6.50-bussen idag. Fick precis ett telefonsamtal från H som sitter i bilkö, det är tydligen värre än på länge över Danmarksplass...

Friday, August 22, 2008


Jeg tror att jag har en månads uppsägning:

Oppsigelsesfrister etter tjml § 9 og 10:

- For fast tilsettelse i mindre enn ett år er fristen en måned.
- For den som har vært sammenhengende fast tilsatt i mindre enn to år, og mer enn ett år er oppsigelsesfristen tre måneder.
- For fast tilsettelse utover to år er fristen seks måneder.


People of the Book by Geraldine Brooks.

Finns det någon liknande site i Norge, som hildur?

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Meeting with Karen L

Peter Elbow - Writing without teachers
'priming the pump'

Note to myself: remember to check this out.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Vernacular names

Xanthomendoza borealis- Fjellmessinglav
Xanthoria candelaria- Grynmessinglav
Xanthoria elegans- Raudberglav
Xanthomendoza fulva- Dvergmessinglav
Xanthoria parietina- Vanlig messinglav
Xanthoria polycarpa- Småmessinglav
Xanthoria sorediata- Kalkmessinglav
Xanthomendoza ulophyllodes- Leppemessinglav (Is actually X. poeltii...)

Xanthoria– vägglavar
Xanthomendozaborealis– Nordlig vägglav
Xanthoria calcicola– Kalkvägglav
Xanthoria candelaria– Ljuslav
Xanthoria elegans– Praktlav
Xanthomendoza fallax– Fjällig vägglav
Xanthomendoza fulva– Grov ljuslav
Xanthoria parietina– Vägglav
Xanthomendoza poeltii– Allévägglav
Xanthoria polycarpa– Mångfruktig vägglav
Xanthoria sorediata– Grynig praktlav

Friday, August 15, 2008

IMC9 in 2010

1–6 August 2010
9th International Mycological Congress (IMC9).. Edinburgh International Conference Centre, Edinburgh, UK. Contact:

Ändra sitt liv?

Jag har ju redan drömjobbet! Men jag hade gärna haft jobbet i en tryggare situation.... Jag måste jobba med att formulera detta bättre.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

TAF (synthesys)

Taxonomic Access Facilities (TAFs)

UPDATE: SYNTHESYS has been granted an extension and there will be an additional Call for proposals.

Deadline: 26th September 2008. Site to open soon.

PLEASE NOTE: Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet (SE TAF) and Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures, (NL TAF) will not be offering Access.

The CALS group at yahoo

Dear California Lichen Society,

I would like to express my sincere thanks for the work that you put in before and during the IAL conference in Asilomar this summer!

I can only imagine the amount of work and time that the members have invested and I am impressed!

I had two specific goals for the U.S. trip and one of them was to find 'the Mystery Lichen ' of Cals in the field - which we did! And when I came to Asilomar subsequently and saw your display with X. pollinarioides in a central position - I was touched and proud. I now understand that the species is not extremely rare (but not extremely common, either) and that you guys will look after this little endemic in the best possible way!

All the best wishes



NEWS: -Applied for two steady positions at BIO but did not get any of them...

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Att jobba

Nu är det tyst här. Många går hem tidigare så länge det är sommar. Fast arbetstiden är kanske egentligen inte heller längre än 16. Jag tänkte sitta en stund längre idag, är "home alone" och behöver fokusera på undervisningen som startar nästa vecka. I lugn och ro. En kopp te, kanske. Borde jag försöka hitta ett ordentligt jobb? Med en chef. Problemet med att jobba som jag gör är att jag inte har någon arbetsledare eller någon som känner sig ansvarig för min tjänst. Så jag har ingen att prata konstruktivt med. Blah.

Friday, August 08, 2008

Lyckliga jag

som får bo i Bergen, bästa staden! Nu kommer skeppen! Och solen är framme. Och luften är frisk!

Och nu är det helg!

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Kom igång och jobba

Långsamt, långsamt, kommer jag igång igen... Ladda om...

Monday, August 04, 2008

Cleaning my emailaccount...

Jody Hey in PLoS:
"The mixing properties of individual runs were monitored by
measuring the autocorrelation of individual parameters over the
course of the run, and by estimating the effective sample size for each
of the parameters as a function of the autocorrelation estimates (see
p. 499 in [64]). Analyses were taken to have converged upon the
stationary distribution if independent runs generated similar
distributions, with each having a lowest effective sample size of 50
for the time parameter (the parameter to show the slowest rate of

Sunday, August 03, 2008

USA trip; 9-21 juli 2008

Wednesday, 9
Wake up at 04.05. Flight (KLM 1184) from Flesland at 06.10... It was 1 hour late out from Schiphol due to a flat tire. A beautiful morning and I lost my camera.
Landed at SFO around 14.15 local time. AVIS rental car: Chevy Classic, Malibu.
Best Western Coyote Point Inn (San Mateo)
The pizza in San Mateo was good, however, I was too jetlagged to appreciate it.

Thursday, 10
Morning stroll in the area
BART train from SFO to San Fransisco
Nice walk from Embarcadero to Fisherman’s Wharf
Had a nice lunch
Sea lions at Pier 39, but not very many (as in 1993)
Lots of haze, we just barely saw Alcatraz
Hotel shuttle back from SFO
Saw humming bird outside the hotel room window
Dinner and a good red wine at a nice restaurant in San Mateo, jazz trio (took a cab!)

Friday, 11
Route 92 west to Hwy 1 south at Half Moon Bay
Sea access by the golf course provided us with the first observation of Xanthoria pollinariodes Lindblom & D.M. Wright, on a planted Lonicera by the fence!
More stops on the journey south, no more sightings of X. pollinarioides
Late lunch in Santa Cruz at a micro brewery, very homey
Had booking at Best Western at Ocean Street (internet from Coyote Point) – big room!
Explored the town
Dinner at Hindquarters restaurant with huge portions of meat and cole slaw and really good wine a short stroll from the hotel!

Saturday 12
Hwy 1 to Monterey
First stop Moss Landing (a well known spot for bird watchers) with X. pollinarioides (the only observation that day)
Monterey: good parking by Fisherman’s Wharf and a slightly touristic, but good lunch
Sea lions, Cannery Row, and the free bus back
Old town
Drove out to Best Western Monarhc Inn in Pacific Grove and got a nice and quiet room
Walk down to Asilomar and to the beach, a bit longer than we expected, but exciting (black tail deer, Moneterey pine, X. parietina at the cemetery, etc)
Dinner at Indian restaurant in Oliver St., very nice

Sunday, 13
Met the bryologists at Asilomar for the day excursion to Nisene Marks State Park (secondary redwood forest)
Short stop in Moss Landing on the return, but we didn’t see the sea otter
Registration for IAL6, Asilomar Conference center
We got a nice big room (1007) in house Manzanita, North Woods
Right after dinner was the welcome reception with lots of nice things to eat (and drink!)…

Monday, 14
Introduction to IAL6 (the Programme is found here, so I won’t og into details)
Poster was up one day (only): Lindblom & Søchting: Xanthomendoza borealis – a bipolar lichen species

Tuesday, 15
H and I skipped the morning session and drove into Pacific Grove/ Asilomar to fill gas (met a biologist in a Volvo), shop and drink coffee (espresso and cappuccino!)
Best session: Systematics and Phylogeny (Ekman & Schmitt)

Wednesday, 16
Best lecture: Lutzoni
Evening: British Lichen Society reception
IAL banquet was nice, but ended before 22
Post-party with the Oslo people and Iceland and some bottles of good Californian wine…

Thursday, 17
Printzen and Lindblom session at 16.00-17.30: Between Individuals and Species: Population Genetics of Lichens
But before that I had a quiet moment in our room. The humming bird appeared outside our window.
Night: IAL business meeting. I surrendered at 22.00 and rounded off the day with a couple of glasses of good Californian wine with Ekman and Blom and, finally, Printzen

Friday, 18
Haugan, Blom, and I drove into Pacific Grove/ Asilomar to have coffee and buy smoke
The Save Mart was big and nice
Stopped by Asilomar State Beach to look at a X. candelaria s lat
Best lecture: TGA Green
Closing reception between 20.00 and 22.00
Nice walk with Haugan back to our lodgings and exciting observations of the ’Night Police’ of Asilomar…

Saturday, 19
Leave the room and pack the car
Two sessions before lunch
Drove north and stopped at Moss Landing
Found a Comfort Inn in Santa Cruz without much ado, nice and relatively quiet
Saw an American Kestrel (Falco sparverius) (?)
Met Timdal and Haugan at a restaurant at night, a ’project’ I never thought would work out, however, I must learn to trust Blom as a project leader!
Observed blue heron (Ardea herodias) on our way back to the hotel

Sunday, 20
Hwy 1 and 92 north in haze and light rain, same route back to SFO
Everything went smoothly and the flight back to Europe was on time

Monday, 21
Rain in Amsterdam
The flight to Bergen Flesland was delayed ½ hour
Met Sætersdal on his way back from conference in Tennessee!
Splendid weather in Bergen – good to be home
Had a pizza and managed to stay up until 22.30!

Tourist check list

Some things that we observed that are mentioned in tourist guides:
- Embarcadero
- the Transamerica Pyramid
- Alcatraz
- City Lights Bookstore
- Fisherman’s Wharf
- Pier 39 (incl. Sea lions)
- Columbus Ave.
- Coit Tower
- Chinatown / Financial District

Some things that we observed that are mentioned in tourist guides:
- Sensory Garden
- Cannery Row
- Fisherman’s Wharf (incl. Sea lions)

Friday, August 01, 2008

Back in Bergen - again

Hey - we're back again after a trip to Skåne.