Thursday, January 12, 2017

Treating Myself Kindly

"The mist that settled into our little town overnight was that thick, hanging kind of damp. It made me think of the film The Matrix, because it was as if the atmosphere around me had stopped in time, and I was left to dodge droplets of wetness suspended in the still air."

Sometimes I need a break...

1 comment:

Xanthoria said...

"Kenya - anbefalte vaksiner

Turisme: Hepatitt A. Hepatitt B. Difteri, stivkrampe, kikhoste og polio. Gulfeber (Land som krever gulfebersertifikat for reisende som kommer fra land med risiko for gulfeber. Gulfeberrisiko. Vaksine anbefales i deler av landet). Malaria (hele landet)"