Monday, May 05, 2008

Nothing is straightforward

IAL6: In the second circular on the homepage, instructions for posters say:

"Maximal dimensions of usable space on the poster boards will be 7’9’ x 3’9” (ca. 230 x 110 cm), with the long dimension being the width."

1. When I convert inches to centimeters: the result is 200.66 cm (7.9 inches) x 99.06 cm (3.9 inches). Which measurement is correct?

2. This would mean that the board is 2 metres wide and one metre high. Is this correct? I need to know for sure, because it seems like a very unusual size for a poster board.


Martin said...

Låter lite udda, men det är väl max.ytan och sedan får man hålla sig inom ramarna. En två meter hög poster låter lite jobbig att läsa.

Xanthoria said...

OK: postern blir 2.3 meter bred (det går 12 inches /foot, glömde det)...